Good god. The free wi-fi at Hong Kong airport is an absolute fuck-up. In typical fashion, the "you don't have to actually deliver; if you pay lip service, that's good enough" policy obviously applies.
Anyway, after an hour of fighting with the invisible chi of the Internet here, I have finally managed to connect.
Hong Kong is an expensive place. Either that, or KL is just cheap and I don't get paid nearly enough for my trouble.
It's also very fast moving. Or the people are. Or both. Which is refreshing.
And speaking of refreshing, the temperature was a temperate 17degrees celsius during the day and about 14 or 15 at night.
The cold weather was quite difficult to deal with after 2 and a half years living in a sauna. But nostalgic at the same time. Cold weather seems to smell different. Or maybe the air in Hong Kong is just cleaner than the air in KL. Probably the latter.
Enough of this.