Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Sum of yesterday

Some stuff lasts and some doesn't. I've been going through the annuals trying to find an idea to steal and something struck me. No matter how technology infulences this profession, a good idea is timeless. It doesn't fade. It doesn't crack. It doesn't go out of fashion. It's never the wrong colour for the season. Not even Greenpeace can find something wrong with a good idea. It's never superceded by a new model. etc...

And why am I musing thus? Well, I came across an ad for an airline, in which the lastest turboprop engine was being hailed as the latest greatest thing since...well, flight. And it seemed intresting that while the turboprop engine has been overtaken by technology, the idea expressed in the ad remains worthy of a look.

Nuff said.


Old Bok said...

It's one reason why I am uneasy about the concept of Intellectual Property. Should you restrict the use of an Idea?
Suppose penicillin had been subject to rigorous patent protection, would the world have been better off?
Of course those with vested interests, like the big Pharmas, will say that they cannot do research without funding. Just another example of "proof by assertion". I am aware of no evidence that big budgets produce better research than smaller ones.

Anonymous said...

the problem is that you cant oly apply the concept of intellectual property to buisness, what about art, music, writing they are primal forms fo intellectual property, if you covet orginal thought and belive in the exploitation of creativity, then you must find ways to value them - for all things