Ha! Lets get real. The Catholic establishment doesn't even pretend to be liberal, let alone pay the kind of lip service that many other institutions do, while remaining ultimately conservative.
Nosireebob. This is a church that has so far refused to acknowledge the fact that we are living in the 3rd millennium; even the initiation of female priests causes the Cardinals to shake at their gartered and frocked knees.
More on this as I become more opinionated.
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Heck I couldn't agree with you more. However my money's on the South American Jesuit.
well, its Habemus Papam and while the crowds at the Vatican wished the new Papa a long life, 78 does seem a bit old to take on the reins of a large institution. Conservative as he is, the new Pope will not be tackling the modern day, burning issues that face the Catholic Church (he clearly wants no debate or dissent on matters of married priests, women priests and contraception), and his 78 yr old energies will be spent on the conservative priorities he sets. Frankly, I am disappointed - a younger, more modern Pope may have been more appropriate to carry the Catholic institution forward and reach out to people, as his predecessor did.
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