Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Trust. But verify

Ya gotta love the intelligence establishment. As the Syrians rolled out of Lebanon with the promise to nosepoke no longer, and to take their apparatus of espionage with them, Lebanese officials were were being advised to believe that they would do just that. with the caveat - just check and make sure they don't double back or leave exploding cellphones.

Is a man's word no longer his bond? Guess not.

Frankly the whole things seems to have bee a little easy to me.

Lebs: "I say, please leave."
Syrs: "okeleedokellee. Just give us a chance to have a last wee before we get into our tanks."
Lebs: "There's some cake left over. Wanna take a doggy bag?"

And then they stand chatting for half an hour at the border post before finally realising they're going to miss American Idol on TV. And then they bugger off.

I predict mischief, mayhem and soap in the next couple of months.

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